Question: What is the minimum age of the kitten to be sold?
Answer: The kitten has to be a minimum of 8 weeks old to be able to sold or adopted.
Question: Will the kitten get the vaccination before sale or adoption?
Answer: In order to have a journey safely and a low chance of infection, the kitten must receive 1 rabies and 2 distemper and feline leukemia vaccinations. Depending on the health condition of your feline some additional vaccinations may also need to be given. Intestinal parasites, fleas and heart worm can make your pet very ill if proper preventive measurements are not taken. Our ultimate goal is to deliver a healthy kitten to our valued customers. As the kitten gets older a personalized vet prescribed vaccination schedule must be administrated.
Question: Do you recommend medical insurance for the kitten?
Answer: Yes. We do recommend medical insurance for the kitten as protection against future health hazards. Pet insurances usually range from basic to deluxe and the plans also depend upon each coverage. These various plans can provide 80% of the covered expenses. To help the kitten in good health it is a must to start their preventive care early. Basic plans usually cover reimbursement for illness and accident expenses. Some plans also cover vaccinations where some other plans may care for dental care, flea and heart worm prevention as well as common annual screening tests. Some limitations on coverage are also included within this plans. Premium plans usually do not change as the pet ages gracefully.
Question: What type of food do you recommend for the kittens?
Answer: We always recommend brands such as Royal Canin, Hills, Blue Dry and canned goods for the kittens. Kittens are usually weaned at the stage of eight weeks and start their kitten diet. Their diet should be rich in protein, highly digestive. Only a well-mannered diet will provide the essential amino acid such as Taurine and carbohydrates, vitamin or minerals as per the need and lifestyle of the kitten. Keeping a proper eye towards the weight and eating habit of the kitten will save from additional health hazards. Bost loss of weight and overweight is the cause of many health hazards. The ideal time to begin mixed feeding is between the age of two to three months. Kittens should have more wet food than dry foods initially to maintain healthy water content in their diet. Based on the breed, lifestyle, weight and size of the kitten the diet must be customized as per the instructions of the vet

Bengal cats are trainable, smart, athletic, fun to watch and play with, loyal, and love water-all great traits for a family pet. They're also vocal and communicative and social with people. If they're introduced early on to dogs or other cats in the home, they are able to bond well and socialize.